Moddi is a great personal favourite for us who work at the Bukta Festival and we are delighted to bring him back to Telegrafbukta in 2018. He is one of the most exciting artists from our country, with his strong songs and his unique voice.Pål Moddi Knutsen is a northern Norwegian singer and songwriter who grew up in Medby on Senja. With Moddi as an artist's name, he has achived great success in the indie-pop genre. Released five albums and an EP to vast critical acclaim, both in Norway and abroad. He has a voice with a heavy character, and writes songs in both English and Norwegian, of which the Norwegian are sung in his home dialect. Moddi has played at Bukta two times earlier, last in 2012.In September 2016 Moddi released Unsongs, an album composed of illegal songs. It consists of his versions of songs that have not previously been published for political reasons in the countries of their origin. The album was nominated for the Norwegian Grammy.